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1473064_364127297064659_1084231283_nRespect and tolerance only grow out of knowledge and understanding. As Peak citizens of the world in the making, our children celebrate in unity of spirit with all the cultures surrounding us. We’ll start with gold coins for Hanukkah and shoes by our chimney for Sinterklass and we’ll end up in January with shoes by the window for the three wise men and Rosca de Reyes! Joy in every language and culture can be found in the smile of a child. Happy Life everybody!



Working with young children, and teaching them, has a double impact in my life, for one it humbles me, what a privilege! And on the other hand, it fills me with pride and it pushes me to always learn more, read more, work more and be a better teacher, truly an educator, so they not only become themselves, but become the best themselves they can be. I love what I do!


This is what Autumn looks like in Mexico. Bellisimo!

Mágicos lugares que recorrer durante este fin de semana. Sube tus fotos de los lugares que visitarás y comparte con nosotros tu viaje


I’m glad to share this with you. I also have an excellent article from Times Magazine at school about the benefits of starting a second language the earliest possible. And, there may be a tiny ad courtesy of abc news before the video so just hang in there! Con gusto les comparto esta nota. Tengo además en la escuela un excelente artículo de Times Magazine acerca de los beneficios de empezar a aprender otro idioma lo antes posible. Antes del video puede que tengan que ver un mini anuncio cortesía de ABC news. Sorry!

The Benefits of Being Bilingual – Early Start

Please let me share with you the pride and joy of a great friend with whom I had the pleasure to serve the world and the beautiful Sierra Gorda of Mexico. She has just been awarded the United Nations most important ecology award¨: Champions of the Earth. To learn more and support her work visit

Con orgullo felicitamos a la mexicana Martha Isabel Ruiz Corzo quien recibió el premio más importante de ecología que otorga la ONU “Campeones de la Tierra” en la categoría “Inspiración y Acción” por su labor ambiental en pro de la preservación de la Sierra Gorda de Querétaro. Una labor que lleva ejerciendo por más de 30 años. Sumemos logros positivos para México.

Foto: Excelsior


Some Montessori students transition into traditional schools after a few years of learning in the Montessori style.  Some studies have suggested that in academic subjects, Montessori students perform as well or even better than their peers who did not attend any Montessori-style educational systems.

One study shows that Montessori students at the preschool and elementary levels earn higher scores on standardized math and science high school test.

Another study found essays written by 12-year-old Montessori students were more creative and contained more complex sentence structures as compared to non-Montessori peers. 

In addition to academic levels, research also reveals that Montessori students have greater social and behavioral skills and can demonstrate a greater sense of fairness and justice when dealing with social problems.

Many successful graduates have cited their years in Montessori education as the most important influences in their life.